Software I Paid For But No Longer Use

I liked Alex Payne’s post titled Software I Paid For But No Longer Use that it got me thinking about some of the software I paid for and no longer use.

Acquisition P2P

David Watanabe’s P2P client software is nicely designed but BitTorrents have replaced peer-to-peer downloads for me. I use Watanabe’s Xtorrent software which is also great.


I love Panic’s shockingly good software but the idea of one window web development software just doesn’t work for me. I prefer to use multiple windows with Transmit, BBEdit and Safari to code my sites.


ecto is a blog editor that seemed like a good idea at the time but then Movable Type improved their editing features with version 4. I haven’t used ecto in over a year.

Fireworks MX

Now owned by Adobe, my old copy of Fireworks MX (version 6) hasn’t been fired up in over two years. I don’t use it to create animated GIFs or slice up PSD files any more. I code everything by hand and Photoshop CS3 handles all of my GIF and JPEG optimization.

StuffIt Deluxe

I stopped upgrading StuffIt’s file compression software at version 9. It is now up to version 12. With Terabyte hard drives and zip file compression built-in to OS X, Stuffit has become obsolete on my desktop.

Posted in OS X Software at 2:10 PM