Time for watermarks
Occasionally I check my site statistics to see how much traffic I’m getting, how people are linking to my sites, etc. I noticed that BOMBIPPY PHOTOS was getting a lot of traffic from nexopia.com and xanga.com.
Several users at nexopia (teenagers) were hijacking my photos. Users like science*time, afrodeeziak, dodad15, and hollisinheaven liked my images so much they put them on their sites without asking me. I suppose I should be flattered but I’m not.
I changed the .htaccess file on all of my sites to prevent outside linking of images and bandwidth theft. I’m also going to make it a habit of watermarking all of my images with BOMBIPPY PHOTOS. I’ve been avoiding this because I felt the images look better without it. Now, it looks like this will be a necessary part of my workflow when posting new photos.
Posted in Photography at 12:37 PM