Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Last night I watched Che Guevara road trip movie on DVD—The Motorcycle Diaries.

The visuals are stunning and make up for the moments where the film tends to drag. I didn’t know much about Guevara going into this film. By the end credits I still didn’t really know very much about him but I was entertained. Don’t expect much in terms of character development or biography. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

The anamorphic widescreen presentation made me feel like I was in South America. The scene at Machu Picchu is my favourite—damp, mystical, mysterious. It’s hard to believe that Universal also released this film in a fullscreen version. I pity the fool that rents/purchases a copy.

The soundtrack is also excellent and really adds some punch to the beautiful visuals. The song “Al Otro Lado Del Río” won the Oscar for best original song and sounds fabulous in Dolby Digital.

Posted in DVD Reviews at 2:00 PM