October 8, 2008
James Nachtwey is something of a saint in the photography world. In 2007, Nachtwey won the TED Prize — $100,000 and one wish to change the world. The result is XDRTB.org.XDR-TB (extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis) is a new and deadly mutation of tuberculosis. XDRTB.org tells the story of XDR-TB through Nachtwey’s powerful photographs. Visit the site. Watch the video and find out more.
XDRTB.org also has the full video of Nachtwey’s TED Prize wish — powerful and inspiring stuff from a great photographer and humanitarian. If you don’t understand who James Nachtwey is and why I’m going on about him just watch the video. Better yet, find a copy of War Photographer (2001) and watch that.
Posted in Photography at 11:14 PM